Friday, August 21, 2009

Brooklyn's in da House

After spending a few hours with my nephew Lucas Jeffrey Whittle and my sister's pitbull Hank Ricardo Whittle, I decided to venture down to Wegmans to pick up a nice brew. Fortunately for us who live in the Wegmans area, we are able to pick up world class beer at a great price. Garrett Oliver, the owner of Brooklyn Brewery, has been a vocal and public figure in the beer scene for quite some time. Mr. Oliver believes beer pairs better with food then wine and has spent the last couple years trying to prove it. One of Brooklyn's Big Bottle offering's is the BROOKLYN LOCAL #1. LOCAL #1 can be classified as a Belgian Strong Pale Ale brewed with German malts and hops, and first-pressing Demerara cane sugar from Mauritius. Garrett Oliver calls this beer "A strong Saison". Pours a slightly cloudy yellow color with a tall head that hangs around for a while and leaves plenty of lacing on the glass. The aroma reminds me of a witbier - banana, clove, spice, and citrus. The flavor is very nice. Has a very nice spice character to go along with the citrus and clove flavors. Yeasty flavors are nice. The body is medium and it is quite refreshing at 9% ABV. Nice brew! I think this beer would be an excellent beer to serve to all your wine drinking friends. In fact I think it's very similar to a dry white wine. Until next time......

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