Thursday, July 23, 2009


I figured that my first post in the blogging world should be dedicated to the downfall of american beer. Walk into any popular bar on a friday night and you will most likely notice more then a few douche bags with a Miller Lite grasped between the pointer and the thumb. Coors light, Miller light, Michelob, Bud light. What's the difference? Aside from some decent commercials, these beers aren't worth the 2 bucks they cost at the local watering hole. Typically a high amount of cereal adjuncts like rice or corn are used to help lighten the beer as much as possible. Rice and Corn??? Whether it's the Triple Hops Brewed or the Vent Can, these companies know there market and they go after it hard. I still can't understand why people drink these beers, but just like my good friend Don King said "Only in America!!!!"

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